Festival Application
1. Are you looking for premieres or repertory works?
We encourage applications for both kinds of work, though we are more interested in presenting premieres. Please apply with your strongest work, or the work that you are most excited about presenting. If you are applying with a work that will premiere at the festival, please send in a detailed proposal and rehearsal footage.
2. My work is not yet finished, may I submit a work-in-progress?
Yes, however we will need to be able to get a clear idea of what the completed work will be like from your video and project description. Works that will be premiered at the Festival are preferred, as we do not typically present works in process.
3. My work is finished but I have no footage, may I submit rehearsal footage or a video of a different work?
While video of the proposed work is preferred, you may submit a rehearsal video as long as it provides a clear and accurate representation of your proposed work. We would rather see rehearsal footage of the proposed work than video of a different piece.
4. May I propose more than one work?
Yes. For an application fee of $75 (Early Bird $65), you are able to submit up to three works. The application form has options to detail the information for three works.
5. Will my work be considered for Level UP?
Yes, your work will be considered for all our open performance categories unless you specify otherwise in your application.
6. I only want to be considered for one venue. Is that possible?
Yes, you can specify your preferred venue on the application.
7. What is the time limit for the proposed work?
There is a limit of 12 mins for larger group works and 8 min for solos and duets.
Level UP artists are invited to show 25 min and can use this time for a one work or split it between two works. For more Level UP specifications, click here.
8. Do you offer any compensation for travel?
No, we are unable at this time to offer compensation for travel.
9. Do I get photos or videos of my piece in the festival?
Video links will be available for a small fee after the festival. We do not offer photos, but we hire a photographer for the festival and artists can purchase images individually from the photographer after. If you are interested in hiring your own photographer to shoot, it has to be approved by the Artistic and Technical Directors.
Please note that Dance Gallery UP Close is for smaller cast works only!